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Aimprosoft Product Upgrade: Cloud Backup and Migration Module v.2.0 for SAP® Commerce

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Aimprosoft Product Upgrade: Cloud Backup and Migration Module v.2.0 for SAP® Commerce article image

The problem of inefficient media migration with standard SAP tools inspired us to upgrade our Cloud Backup and Migration for SAP® Commerce (CBM) module v.1.0, which was mainly designed for effortless backup management. Thus, we have been actively working on broadening the feature scope of the first version and would like to present you with CBM module v. 2.0.

The primary purpose of the second version is to provide developers and content managers with simplified migration of media between different cloud storages. The core advantage of the module’s modification is that it allows its users to change the physical location of files from server to the cloud storage and vice versa without interrupting the website’s work. This is especially helpful in those cases when software engineers need to make certain amendments to a fully functioning website. In this case the module will guarantee media migration in real-time, not causing inconveniences for the website’s work.

The advantages of the module’s new version can be perceived not only through the extension of its functionality but through its business value as well. With the latest enhancements, we aimed to cover those gaps and complications that occur while using an out-of-the-box solution provided by SAP. Thus, these are the main benefits that differentiate the developed module from the traditional way of media migration:

  • real-time data transfer;
  • reduction of the number of operations required to migrate media;
  • minimization of time spent by software engineers during the development;
  • cost-saving via rationalization of server space for large volumes of media.
Cloud Backup and Migration for SAP® Commerce
Image 1. Extended functionality of Cloud Backup and Migration for SAP® Commerce (CBM) module v. 2.0

Overall, the updated module will be rather helpful for those who require an easy-to-use, both time- and cost-saving tool for significant optimization of their storage space via a simplified process of data migration.

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