Statement on COVID-19 Situation as of 05.04.20

Following our latest post on the COVID-19 situation and the schedule we have stuck to in our daily work, we’d like to share with you such late-breaking news:
What we’ve got for today
Unfortunately, the number of COVID-19 cases in Ukraine has not slowed down. To correspond to the current situation, the Ukrainian Government has taken a step apart from the previously outlined plan of easing restrictions and ending the quarantine on May 11.
It was called for continuing of compulsory social distancing and personal protection measures for everybody. So today, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal officially announced that the quarantine is extended until May 22.
Aimprosoft working schedule
Like all of you, we wish it finally came to an end. But bearing the situation in mind, we are deeply concerned about the health and safety of everybody and strictly comply with the restrictions. We continue working remotely as if we were in the office and moving forward, whatever the circumstances.
We stay online at your disposal as before and keep you updated. Meanwhile, if you have any questions or just want to have a word with the Aimprosoft team, don’t hesitate to contact us.