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Local business directory
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  • Industry

    Marketing, Public Relations

  • Provided services

    Frontend & Backend development, UI/UX design, Marketing, DevOps

  • Type of the project

    Web platform

  • Duration

    In progress since May 2015

About the project is a digital platform for PR and marketing agencies oriented on the B2B sector. Our client, the founder of, together with a team of marketing veterans, decided to unite for a mission to boost brand awareness for small and middle local businesses. They believed that small and mid-sized companies should also have a chance for success and not only enterprises. Thus, our task was to create a local-search directory from scratch that would be capable of aggregating information about local small and mid-sized businesses and manage digital listings from Foursquare, Yelp, Google My Business, and others.  

The developers made sure that the platform can aggregate reviews, receive status reports and updates from a net of search engines and social networks in one place, provides users with tools to control data on listings, helps businesses prevent changing business information with the matching algorithm, and much more. Apart from that, the team developed a convenient dashboard for business awareness management and a promotion toolbox that allows promoting a business on external sources.

The solution turned out to be a feature-rich platform that provides business owners with all the necessary tools to control information about their business spread online and helps them boost brand awareness in a cost-saving yet efficient way. The platform entered the market and has been challenging competitors while boosting over 8 million US and Canadian businesses in 2020.


  • — Frontend
  • — Backend
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • Angular
  • React
  • jQuery
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • PostgreSQL
  • Gulp
  • Prerender.IO

Key features

1 Pins displaying on the map
2 Business profile management
3 Analytics module
4 Real-time updates
5 Robust dashboard
6 Live reports
7 Video preview
8 Review summary
9 Google advertisement
10 Posts creation
11 Integration with Braintree
12 Integration with Stripe
13 Full-text search
14 Migration from AWS to GCP
15 Integration with Salesforce project screenshot 1 project screenshot 2 project screenshot 3 project screenshot 4

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