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Efficient solution for projects and contracts management
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REMPS project image


  • Industry

    Business Administration and Management

  • Provided services

    Frontend & Backend development, Project Management

  • Type of the project

    Web platform

  • Duration

    December 2016 — September 2017

About the project

REMPS (Reliable and Effective tool for Managing Projects and Services) is a tool for managing projects and contracts and tracking the execution of the work. The client came to us with the request to assist with the development of such an automation tool since there wasn’t a proper solution on the market with the feature set that would cover all the customer’s needs back in 2016. Based on the received requirements, our team created a solution that stores the information about organizations that participate in projects and helps manage the data about business cards of the staff of each organization. The solution also allows users to set the schedule for payments and reports. It helps to track the states of payments and reports and displays alerts about the expiration of their terms.

It also provides tools to set the required work plan and the budget for project execution as well as the staff to participate in. The users can change the status of the project and contract depending on the stage of execution. To make the search for the desired project, contract, person, or organization easier, our team implemented various filters that help find the necessary data by a single attribute or by multiple attributes at the same time. As a result, the solution turned out to be a robust tool that helped the client’s organization automate processes related to projects and contract management and accelerate their completion 3 times.


  • — Frontend
  • — Backend
  • Angular 4
  • TypeScript
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Gulp
  • Webpack 2
  • HTML5
  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Hibernate
  • Liquibase

Key features

1 Contract and project management
2 Responsive design
3 State tracking
4 Milestones and events management
5 Filtered search
6 Payment and report scheduling
REMPS project screenshot 1
REMPS project screenshot 2
REMPS project screenshot 3
REMPS project screenshot 4

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